About Reinhard Bockstette
Major Achievements:
Built and led $1.4B Royal Nedlloyd division to #6 position globally, through international mergers. As Managing Director and Executive Committee member, successfully integrated four business units with declining revenues and spiraling costs. Aligned under one management structure, closed eight branch offices, and downsized 540 staff and 45 management. Raised return on capital employed to 10% from <5%>, and return on sales to 3% - high for industry.
Led complete turnaround of $100M Dun & Bradstreet division of business-information, receivables-management and database marketing. As Executive VP Europe, recruited to address decline in customer base down to 20,000, halting and reversing decreasing annual revenues and operating losses and turnover of four GMs in six years. Eliminated multiple management layers; reduced branch office operations/overhead by 95% (72 offices to 4); increased revenue growth of more than 100% in four years; generated 8% profit margin; and re-built customer base to 42,000 (30% former customers). Built technology center from scratch in the former GDR.
Grew Swedish Match North American consumer market share 49%, to $410M from $180M. As Area Director North America and U.S. CEO, grew U.S. market share 133%, to near 50% (max allowed by U.S. Consent Decree); grew Canada market share 167%, to 75% from $30M to $48M. Recruited to turnaround flat sales, overcapacity, and disparate levels of successes/failures. Completely re-engineered entire North American operations, marketing strategies, manufacturing, leadership team, and supporting ad and PR agencies. Increased consumer product ROA to 27%.
Achieved breakthrough for RJR/Nabisco in doubling global market penetration with Camel product. As International Brand Director, developed comprehensive head-to-head campaign targeting #1 competitor Marlboro product. Established Camel brand as #1 foreign brand in Japan (zero presence heretofore). Developed comprehensive executive summary / recommendation, for Camel activities including branding, positioning, advertising, image transfer, blending, packaging, trademark, pricing strategies, and discounting.
Domestic & International Growth / Sales & Marketing
Turnarounds / Business Re-engineering / M&A / P&L
Consumer Products / Information Services & Technology /
Logistics / Transportation / Warehousing / Multi Site Operations /
Branding / Profit & Not for Profit
Generated triple-digit sales and earnings growth, successfully merged companies, re-engineered business operations, launched brands on a global scale, and enhanced customer and service orientation, marketing skills, and management acumen in a variety of industries and markets worldwide.
Successful blue chip career includes:
Dun & Bradstreet
Royal Nedlloyd
P&L responsibilities for:
Regions and divisions to $1.4B in revenues
2006 - PRESENT
Board of Directors Member
pcSoft GmbH Germany
2004 - PRESENT
Board of Directors Member, independent
Lehnkering GmbH
€650m • 2.700 empl. • Germany
2001 - 2002
ABX Logistics GmbH
$3.100m • 2.800 empl. • Germany
1996 - 1999
CEO Germany & Exec. Committe Member
Royal Nedlloyd
$4.500m • 5.400 empl. • Germany
1989 - 1995
Executive VP Europe ('94-'95)
CEO Germany ('89-'94)
Dun & Bradstreet Information Services Europe
$1.800m • 780 empl. • Germany
1984 - 1988
Chairmen, President and CEO
Swedish Match AB
$1.600m • 11.000 empl. • Sweden
Dun & Bradstreet Europe, Hilti, Swedish Match North America, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco International, Compagnon Market Research
- Consumer & Retail
- Change Management
- Restructuring
- Internationalization